Obstetrics MCQ

Fibroids in pregnancy:
A. Are a recognized cause of obstructed labour.
B. Should be remove by myomectomy during pregnancy
C. Should be removed by myomectomy at Caesarean section
D. Are likely to regress after the pregnancy.
E. May cause acute abdominal pain.

The Fetal Size
A. The average weight at term is 3 kg
B. Size is increased in multiparous women
C. Male infants are usually smaller than female infants.
D. Size is increased in heavier mother
E. Smoking 10 cigarettes a day decreases birth-weight by an average of 100g.

In the fetal circulation
A. Oxygenated blood travels along the umbilical arteries.
B. The fetal lungs are bypassed by means of the ductus venosus
C. The foramen ovale connects the two atria.
D. Most of the blood that enters the right atrium flows into the left atrium
E. The blood in the descending aorta is more desaturated than that in the
ascending aorta.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria:
A. Occurs in 10% of pregnant women
B. Turns to infection in most cases if left untreated.
C. Occurs in patients with renal tract abnormalities
D. Is associated with premature delivery
E. Causes an increase in the maternal white cell count.

The following disorders can be diagnosed antenatally by amniocentesis
A. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
B. Turner’s syndrome
C. closed neural tube defects
D. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
E. tracheo-oesophageal fistula


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